Top 25 Customer Feedback Software to Use in 2022

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By Dayan Mayfield

Last updated on Fri Jan 28 2022

Without customer feedback software, you can’t scale the way that you use feedback. Sure, you might have a system for taking certain customer support tickets and passing them along to QA and engineering, but that’s reactive. 

In order to utilize qualitative and quantitative feedback, you need to proactively and consistently request that feedback, sort it, and implement it. 

Trust us, spreadsheets and Trello boards are not the way to handle this. The best customer feedback software makes it easy to collect, analyze, and implement customer recommendations.

Table of contents:

  • Types of customer feedback software

  • Feature and product idea boards 

  • Website experience software 

  • Quality assurance software 

  • Customer journey software 

  • Customer survey tools

  • NPS and segmented feedback tools

  • Video feedback tools 

  • How to choose the right customer feedback tool

Types of customer feedback software

There are a lot of different types of customer feedback software, and some of them overlap. When choosing the right platform, it’ll help to understand the core functionality that you’re looking for. Depending on what you want to achieve, you might need to purchase a couple of different categories of software. 

Here are the main types of customer feedback software:

  • Feature and product idea boards - These are used to collect ideas from customers at any time. Customers can submit a suggestion for a new or improved feature. Your team members and other customers can comment. 

  • Website experience software - Website experience software helps companies discover the success of their website and web-based app in terms of clicks and scroll averages. 

  • Quality assurance software - With bug reporting software, you can make sure that you’re quickly finding and addressing customer-reported bugs. 

  • Customer journey software - Customer journey software allows you to understand the journey customers take on your website or web-based app and communicate with them accordingly. 

  • Customer survey tools - You can use survey software to send surveys to all or a segment of your customers. 

  • NPS and segmented feedback tools - This type of software makes it easy to collect NPS and CSAT scores from the right customers at the right time. 

  • Video feedback tools - Use screensharing and video recording tools to send and receive feedback from your customers. 

Below, we’ve selected some of the top options in every category. 

Feature and product idea boards

These tools are great because they don’t just collect feedback when you send out a survey. They act as a destination for customer ideas 24/7. 

1. Frill


With Frill, you can both capture and prioritize ideas from customers. Customers submit ideas and add multiple categories to them. (This way, they do the sorting for you.) Then your product team can review and prioritize the ideas, add them to your roadmap, and update customers with your changelog. 


Frill costs between $25 and $149 per month for most businesses. If you need fewer than 50 tracked ideas at a time, you can opt for our Startup plan.

Learn more about Frill.

2. UseResponse


UseResponse offers a customer feedback portal along with their help desk software and customer service portal. With the feedback portal, you can have customers give you ideas and also vote on polls and questions about what features you should build next.


For the feedback software only, there are two plans: $49 per month and $149 per month. 

Learn more UseResponse. 

Website experience software

These tools can help marketers and product managers learn their top-performing website pages and find issues quickly. 

3. Hotjar


Hotjar is a feedback tool that helps you make sense of your analytics data. For example, you might see a dropoff in conversions on a landing page in Google Analytics, but not understand why. In Hotjar, you can detect rage clicks, watch session recordings, and review heatmaps to help suss out the cause. 


Hotjar’s costs vary widely based on your website traffic, but you can start off with a free plan. Most small businesses will need to pay between $39 and $99 per month.

Learn more about Hotjar.

4. Mouseflow


Similar to Hotjar, Mouseflow offers heatmaps and session replays to help SaaS companies analyze the customer experience. You can also use it to collect feedback on certain pages, such as a newly launched feature in a web app. 


Plans range from free to $299 per month. 

Learn more about Mouseflow.

5. GetFeedback


GetFeedback is a customer experience software that helps you keep track of your average sentiment for every page or product feature so you can detect dips and issues. Most importantly, you can ask for feedback across a variety of communication channels, including SMS, email, websites, and mobile apps. GetFeedback integrates and combines all of these sources and helps you import the feedback into your other business tools. 

Pricing: GetFeedback doesn’t publish their pricing on their site, but they do offer a 14-day free trial so you can check it out for yourself.

Learn more about GetFeedback.

Quality assurance software

Use these tools to source bug reports from your users. 

6. Usersnap


With Usersnap, you can collect user feedback in the form of screenshot bug reports and experience ratings. Consider it a mix of customer-driven QA and customer-driven product design. 


Usersnap costs between $29 and $149 per month. 

Learn more about Usersnap.

7. Instabug


With Instabug you can collect bug reports from your customers. For software and digital experience companies, this is an essential form of customer feedback. Instabug can be used on other types of apps, but native mobile apps are the most common use case.


Instabug costs $149 or $249 per month, depending on the size of your user base. 

Learn more about Instabug.

8. Shake


Shake offers an SDK so you can add bug reporting features to your app. When users find a bug, Shake automatically collects the steps needed to reproduce the bug, the app version, device data, logs, screenrecording, and lots of other data to make it easy for you to resolve the issue.


Shake offers a free plan for up to 5,000 monthly active users (MAU), while the $50 per month covers up to 30,000 MAU.

Learn more about Shake. 

Product analytics software

Customer feedback isn’t just about what customers say. It’s also about what they don’t say. Use these analytics tools to dig deeper into what customers really think about your product’s features. 

9. Mixpanel


As a product analytics suite, Mixpanel was designed specifically for SaaS companies. The software helps you understand your most popular features and identify your best users. While it isn’t a feedback tool per se, it does offer a way to collect analytics on the customer experience inside your app. So consider it the hidden feedback you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. 


Mixpanel has three plan tiers: free, $24 per month, and custom pricing. 

Learn more about Mixpanel. 

10. Pendo


Pendo is a fully featured product that includes product analytics, customer sentiment surveys, and in-app walkthroughs for onboarding and feature adoption. 


Pendo has three plans, but doesn’t display pricing on their website. 

Learn more about Pendo. 

11. Woopra 


With Woopra, you can analyze customer journeys and all sorts of product, marketing, and customer retention metrics. Their trend reports make it easy to set benchmarks and identify issues. 


Woopra’s lowest plan is $349 per month, with their most plan coming in at $999 per month.

Learn more about Woopra.  

12. Heap


Heap is a platform for digital experience analytics. It’s used by B2B software and consumer brands alike. Many of the consumer companies that use Heap are fintech and other heavily digital businesses. Heap’s top feature is the ability to capture every interaction on your site, not just clicks but grabs, swipes, pageviews, taps, and scrolls. 


Heap is free up to 10,000 user sessions per month. Paid plans start at $3600 per year. 

Learn more about Heap.

Customer journey software

Use customer journey software to learn how customers engage with your website and product. 

13. FullStory


FullStory is a tool that helps you view, search, and analyze every piece of the customer journey. The digital experience analytics platform includes funnel testing, session replays, heatmaps, and advanced searches. It’s used by web-based SaaS product teams and large global website teams alike. 


As an enterprise-focused solution, FullStory doesn’t display their pricing and only offers custom plans. 

Learn more about FullStory.

14. Podium


Podium is a communication platform that helps you message customers across multiple channels such as video chat and web chat. The tool also includes customer feedback features that are unlike what other products offer. There are no long surveys or links. Instead, there are just two short automated messages that ask a simple question. The product sends the questions when users are most engaged to increase the likelihood of them responding. 


Podium only offers custom pricing.

Learn more about Podium.

Customer success management software

Customer success managers are frontline employees who interact with customers on a daily basis. The best tools for CSMs allow for feedback analytics and direct communication. 

15. UserIQ


UserIQ is a customer feedback tool that is designed for customer success managers who want to collect feedback from specific accounts and also discover which accounts are at risk of churn (or aren’t utilizing the product as well as they could). The tool allows for more accurate personalization of customer success efforts.


UserIQ doesn’t publish their pricing on their site.

Learn more about UserIQ.

16. AskNicely


As a customer experience platform, AskNicely helps you collect NPS ratings and gather feedback in a conversational way. You can ask users a simple question via webchat and then automate the follow-up questions based on the nature of their response. 


AskNicely doesn’t publish their pricing on their site and only offers custom plans. 

Learn more about AskNicely.

Survey tools

Use these tools to ask your customers what they really think about your product, and what improvements they’re hoping for. 

17. SurveyMonkey


SurveyMonkey is a very popular tool for surveys. Unfortunately, too many SaaS companies don’t survey their customers as frequently as they should. If you’re not sure what to ask, check out these 15 questions


SurveyMonkey offers $25 per month and $75 per month plans. 

Learn more about SurveyMonkey.

18. SurveyAnyplace


SurveyAnyplace can be used for customer feedback surveys as well as assessments and quizzes. It offers multiple choice and open text form fields. 


SurveyAnyplace has a $33 per month and $50 per month.

Learn more about SurveyAnyplace.

19. Typeform


Typeform is a very popular tool that you can use for forms, surveys, and quizzes. It’s well known for having a simple user interface that presents just one question at a time. It’s a great option for collecting feedback from customers with a survey link sent via email.


With their free plan, you can collect just 100 responses. For more responses consider their paid plans ranging from $35 per month to $70 per month. 

20. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a user research and customer feedback software. It includes website and app feedback collection, exit surveys, and UX feedback. One of the best features is that you can target specific users for feedback.  


Qualaroo has a free plan and also charges a fraction of a penny for pageviews of feedback requests. 

Learn more about Qualaroo. 

NPS and segmented feedback tools

Tools that collect NPS, CSAT, and other common customer experience metrics allow you to set a benchmark for customer sentiment and identify sudden changes.

21. UserReport


UserReport offers a survey widget and a feedback widget. The survey widget is a simple bit of code that you can add to your website to start collecting responses. You can gather NPS score ratings and also ask simple questions. Meanwhile, the feedback widget is where users can suggest product features and upvote on the features that other users have suggested. 


UserReport only has custom pricing plans.

Learn more about UserReport.

22. Survicate


Survicate is Survey and NPS software that helps you collect customer and product feedback. Run surveys to targeted segments of customers and website users. Trigger surveys after users complete certain actions. In addition to surveys, you can also collect feedback on certain product features as well as make it easy for customers to request new features.


Survicate offers a free plan as well as paid plans from $49 to $249 per month. 

Learn more about Survicate. 

23. CustomerSure


With CustomerSure, collect feedback via NPS, CSAT, and customer effort score. More importantly, there are plenty of features to make it easier to act on what you learn from customer feedback. For example, it automatically flags urgent issues, and includes customer response features, issue prioritization, and feedback sharing with the right teams. 


CustomerSure’s plans range from $259 to $1299 per month. 

Learn more about CustomerSure.

Video feedback tools

Use these tools to send screensharing videos for easier, more accurate communication. 

24. Weet


With Weet, you can send and receive video, audio, and screensharing messages. Best of all, you can comment back and forth with customers with either text or more videos in a thread to make it easy to have an asynchronous conversation. 


Plans start at $12 per user per month. 

Learn more about Weet. 

25. Cohere


Cohere is a really innovative tool for customer service, customer success managers, and sales. Use it to screenshare and send videos directly to customers inside of chat messages. This adds both personalization and accuracy to conversations. 


Learn more about Cohere.

How to choose the right customer feedback tool

The customer feedback tool you use should offer the following features:

  • Great UX and easy for customers to use

  • Integrates with your website or app with an in-app widget

  • Allows customers to submit feedback 24/7

  • Allows other customers to upvote and comment on ideas

Because customer feedback is so important, you should choose a tool that not only makes it easy for customers to give you feedback, but also helps you implement that feedback. 

Looking for customer feedback software designed specifically for SaaS businesses? Check out Frill’s customer idea boards, public roadmaps, and announcements features.

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