Top 10 Customer Feedback Form Questions (for SaaS & Ecommerce)

Last updated on Sat Jul 10 2021

How good your customer feedback form questions are will dictate the quality of feedback that you get.

Customer satisfaction is critical for any business, especially online businesses that have high customer acquisition costs. You need continued purchases from each customer to profit from that acquisition. Loyal customers are 5x more likely to repurchase, 5x more likely to forgive a mistake or bad interaction, 4x more likely to refer you to a friend, and 7x more likely to purchase one of your new offerings.

When you use customer feedback forms, you can find out exactly what customers love about your business (and what they don’t). Rely on this info to improve your products, customer service, and marketing so that you can double down on what works.

What’s in this guide:

  • How to write customer feedback form questions

  • Top 10 customer feedback form questions for SaaS companies

  • Top 10 customer feedback form questions for ecommerce companies

  • Personalizing customer feedback forms

  • Best software to use for customer feedback forms

  • How to get continuous feedback

How to write customer feedback form questions

A lot of strategy goes into writing questions that will elicit quality feedback from customers. Follow this process for best results.

  1. Decide on your goals for the form

    First, determine your goals. Are you looking for feedback on your products, customer service, policies, and messaging? Or just your products and customer service?

  2. Choose open-ended questions, multiple choice, or a mix

    Open-ended questions provide qualitative feedback that you can’t get with multiple choice. However, they do take longer for customers to complete, so you might have low completion rates. If you set open-ended questions to optional, you might get more responses, as customers can skip the ones that they don’t want to answer. For certain questions, you could use a multiple choice or a rating scale, but keep in mind that this won’t produce in-depth feedback.

  3. Edit down your list of questions

    Long customer feedback forms won’t get high completion rates, even if you do offer an incentive such as a prize drawing. For best results keep the number of questions to 5 - 20. Any more than 20 questions, and you won’t get a large volume of feedback.

Top 10 customer feedback form questions for SaaS companies

As a SaaS company, you need to understand the buying motivation that your customers have. In B2B, you have emotional and tactical motivation. For example, on the emotional side, someone might want to be seen as a smart business owner using professional tools. But on the tactical side, they simply need a contract software to make sending and signing contracts faster.

These customer feedback form questions can help you discover why customers sign up for your tool, what their favorite features are, and what suggestions they’d like to make.

Here are the best questions to ask your SaaS customers:

  1. How did you find out about PRODUCTNAME?

  2. What made you decide to try PRODUCTNAME?

  3. What were you using before PRODUCTNAME?

  4. What was difficult about your old way of managing things?

  5. What features do you like the most about PRODUCTNAME?

  6. How do those features help you?

  7. What new features would you like to see?

  8. If you could change or update anything about PRODUCTNAME’s current features what would that be?

  9. Are you satisfied with the format and quality of customer support? If not, how can we improve?

  10. If you could put a number on how PRODUCTNAME has helped you (ex: saved 3 hours per week or doubled conversion rates), what number would that be?

These questions could easily be adapted for other B2B products and services as well.

Top 10 customer feedback form questions for ecommerce companies

The quality of your customer service has a big impact on whether or not customers will continue to buy from you. 80% of American consumers say that speed, convenience, knowledgeable support, and friendliness are the most important elements of customer service. You’d be wise to ask at least one question about the quality and format of your customer support.

You should also make sure to cover product feedback and whether or not the customer plans to purchase from you again.

Here are the best questions to ask your ecommerce customers:

  1. What is one thing we could do to improve our website experience?

  2. Why did you purchase from STORENAME?

  3. What does STORENAME provide that others do not, that made you want to shop with us?

  4. Did you have any concerns before purchasing from STORENAME?

  5. What do you like best about STORENAME’s products?

  6. If you could change something about a product that you purchased, what would it be?

  7. Do you expect to purchase from STORENAME in the future?

  8. If not, what is preventing you from wanting to shop with us again?

  9. If yes, what products are you most interested in purchasing in the future?

  10. Are you satisfied with the format and quality of customer support? If not, how can we improve?

These questions could easily be adapted for other B2C businesses too.

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Personalizing customer feedback forms

90% of consumers value when a business knows and utilizes their purchase history and current activities. That’s why you might want to make a few different variations of your customer feedback form.

As a SaaS company, you could slightly modify the questions for these categories:

  • Paying customer for 1 - 3 months

  • Paying customer for 4 - 12 months

  • Paying customer for 13+ months

For people who have been a customer for a long period of time, you might remove the questions about why they signed up, and instead more about the continued value they achieve.

And for ecommerce companies, you could slightly modify the questions based on how many order’s they’ve placed:

  • Completed 1 order

  • Completed 2 - 4 orders

  • Completed 5+ orders

For those who have only placed one order, you might ask if they plan to purchase from you again, while for those who already have, you might ask what are the top reasons why they continue to purchase from your site. This will help you better understand what you bring to the table that the competition doesn’t, whether that’s product quality, return policy, or something else.

Best software to use for customer feedback forms

Customer feedback software helps you collect, sort, analyze, and manage feedback.

Some of the top tools include:

  • SurveyMonkey

  • Typeform

  • SurveyAnyplace

  • Google Forms (free)

However, these tools are designed for sending out customer feedback surveys, and surveys aren’t the only way to collect feedback. Below, we discuss your options for collecting feedback continuously, not just when you send out a survey.

How to get continuous feedback

Surveys are important because they allow you to ask specific questions. But the downside is that customers will only provide you with feedback when you send the survey.

As an online business in a competitive market, you need to be collecting feedback all the time, not just once or twice a year.

To do this, you need a feedback portal.

A feedback portal is a website where customers can leave you feedback at any time.

You can create a feedback portal with Frill and let customers know about it. Here are the best places to link to your portal:

  • In the footer of your website

  • In a pop-up widget in your app

  • In the footer of your email newsletter

  • In any newsletter or blog post announcing a new feature or product

collect feedback and vote on the best customer ideas

Your feedback portal should do more than just collect feedback. It should also help you communicate with your customers about their suggestions. Customers that are logged in with their account to your website should be able to offer feedback, so that when you comment back to them, they’ll receive a notification to their account email address.

Customers should also be able to upvote each others’ ideas and offer more feedback on someone else’s idea. For example, let’s say that a customer asks for a Google Analytics integration. Another customer should be able to comment on that idea to provide further context on why they want that integration too, and how they plan to use it.

All in all, these are the top features to look for in a customer feedback portal:

  • Idea board

    The board should offer idea creation, upvoting, and commenting. Ideas should be publicly visible to everyone, to increase transparency and trust.

  • Public roadmap management

    You should be able to move ideas over to your roadmap columns. This (plus a quick tag of the interested customers in that idea card) will communicate that you are working on this idea.

  • Announcements page

    After you’ve implemented the customer feedback, you need to tell customers that it’s completed. Look for a portal that includes announcements so it’s easy for customers to see what’s already been done. This shows customers that you are always improving.

Because customer feedback is so important, you should send out both form questions _and _collect feedback regularly with a portal.

Want an easier way to manage customer feedback? Check out Frill.

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